Beyond Belief - Introduction the ThetaHealing

Hi. My name is Jilly Blythe and I invite you to join me for a Introduction to ThetaHealing at The Lightning Hub in Whakatane.

ThetaHealing is one of the most powerful meditation techniques (designed by Vianna Stibal-Founder of ThetaHealing) using a quick and effective technique guiding you to the 7th plane of Pure Creative Energy. 

The ThetaHealing Technique is a technique that compliments all other modalities and of course will stand alone as a Registered Certified Practitioner Certificate if you wish to take Classes.

During this intro, you will learn some of the benefits of how ThetaHealing might be able to help you spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. 

Some of the topics discussed are; 
The Roadmap to The Universal Energy.
The 7 Planes of Existence. 
Where beliefs come from. 
Manifesting and more. 

Learn more about the ThetaHealing® technique that everyone is talking about and start your ThetaHealing journey today! 

I am a certified Master, Practitioner and Instructor of ThetaHealing. 

I run regular practitioner classes throughout the year based in The Bay of Plenty at The Lightening Hub in Whakatane.