A shared office space for innovators, entrepreneurs, consultants, start-ups and businesses who are looking for a creative, fun and flexible environment to work, relax, collaborate and build a business community.


Lightning Hub is a shared office space/coworking space and innovation hub located right in the centre of Whakatane, offering a range of hot desks, offices, creative spaces, meeting and seminar facilities for casual, short or long-term lease including shared services and admin. Unlike working in isolation from home, remotely or being tied to expensive lease options Lightning Hub provides a vibrant, likeminded community where good business is done and ideas are sparked to life.

Get in touch with us

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Contact details

Lightning Hub

1st Floor, 193-195 The Strand
New Zealand

The Lightning Hub team

  • Matthew Davis

    Chartered Accountant / Honor Body Scrubs / Ake Innovation / Lightning Hub / Focus on Photography

    Matthew Davis
  • Tristan Vine

    Director / Lightning Hub / Manawa Ora / Ake Innovation / TristanVine.com

    Tristan Vine